Molds cleaning is one of the most important task in tires production, each producer has its own technology about how to compose sets and place them in production: our blasters can properly clean the side molds as well the sectors with or without air escape valves.
Target is usually achieved using a rotating table blaster, different layouts may be discussed accordingly with client needs; following pics are coming from a test:
This result has been achieved with a cycle of 4 minutes only, shots size and materials are chosen accordingly with the molds and client specs; final machine layout is decided together with the client considering quantity of parts to process per day as well the room available inside the cleaning department.
Often blasting chamber is customized to welcome not only the molds set but the frame/support of the set too; it is very important to provide an appropriate washer for the parts to avoid spraying media above an already existing layer of shots that would make the cleaning not effective.
Process is the following:
- 0 - Machine on and ready to blast . Please see how here:
- 1 - Loading mold(s) inside the blasting chamber;
- 2 - Cleaning cycle begins, how to start please see video @ point - 0 - scrolling on top.
- 3 - Cycle timing is between 3 and 6 minutes, with an average of 4, when it is done doors safely open, allowing removing the cleaned parts by operator;
- 4 - Machine free and in stand by for a new load immediately or later accordingly with production needs, going to step 2 in this chart.
Sizes and layouts may vary accordingly with rooms available inside the mold shop, production capacity required in terms of moulds cleaned per hour and dimensions (weight too) of the moulds set itself and handling system as well; automation on loading/downloading is available and plays an important role on the operating costs of the whole cleaning process.
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